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2004-09-16           【 加入收藏 / 文章投稿 / 截图上传 / 发表评论

Damage dealers-伤害制造者

Party-play centered around healers, Lineage 2! Inside this article, is a plan detailing how to most effectively use one\‘s class! Part 2! Damage dealers.

"Damage Dealer" you said?
The damage dealer, while the tanker is taking the brunt of a monster\‘s attack, is supposed to quickly dispatch the target. Usually a character with high attack power fits into this role, but in Lineage 2 it is the work of the close-range attackers and archers. These classes are the best equipped for such work: strong attack power. Their goal is for them to be the fastest at cutting down a target\‘s health.

The damage dealer\‘s attack power is the party\‘s attack power but they lack defense. With strong attack power and effective use of good skills, they can topple a target easily. However, because of its attacks they can increase the hate value, so they should match the party\‘s flow and attack. Usually because their defense is lower than the tankers, they stay on the outside [circumference].

The role of a damage dealer in Lineage 2
Let\‘s go through the Lineage 2\‘s damage dealer one time. At the 1st job class level, they are the Elven Scout, Assassin, Orc Raider, Orc Monk, Rogue, and Warrior. For the 2nd job class they are the Plain Walker, Silver Ranger, Abyss Walker, Phantom Ranger, Destroyer, Tyrant, Treasure Hunter, Hawkeye, Gladiator and Warlord. This work has the most number of classes. These classes are also the most popular with the players. Why are the archers counted as damage dealers? Normally, archers can attack from long distance and drag out a monster in the role of the "puller". In Lineage 2, since the formula for party hunting is not "camp and pulling", there is no general notion of the puller. With low defense and a bow\‘s strong attack, they can serve sufficiently as a damage dealer. Of course, those who can produce strong one-hits can enter the role of a "fighter" [Translator\‘s notes: the author uses the term "nuker" but that\‘s his word. Most people use the word that is also the type of weapons the orc fighters use. "Fist" weapons]

A damage dealer\‘s specialty is its strong attack power!

What are the special characteristics of the classes enumerated above? Of course, it\‘s the attack power. Compared to other "work"\‘s characters, they have high attack power. The use of normal hits and skills may be different, but they are connected to high attack power. High attack power is the best at whittling away at a monster\‘s health. But the monster\‘s hate value can increase against them. But there are a few skills that make provisions for this. Charm (decreases one\‘s own hate value from the monster), Switch (forces the monsters target to change), and Trick (removes the hate value against yourself) are among skills to decrease one\‘s hate value.

They can\‘t compare to the tankers, but in their own way, if they have high defense, they can serve both as a damage dealer and a "sub-tanker". Ones that quality as such ar ethe gladiator, warlord, destroyer, and tyrant. Because these have fairly good defense and HP, they don\‘t fall too easily to a monster\‘s attack. So, when the tanker is not taking care of monsters properly, they sub-tanker can play the role and be the party\‘s defense.
The archer classes and the warlord can deal out damage in a special way. The archers can attack from long range , a virtue of one-hitters [Translator\‘s notes: "one-hitter" are those who have special skills with some probability of causing massive damage in one hit. i.e. criticals, mortal blow, etc.] is they are stronger in one hit compared to the others but a their shortcoming is their attack speed is slow. The Warlord as a one-hitter has a weak one-hit and their attack speed is slow, too, but their good point is they can do area attacks. For these jobs in the damage dealer\‘s role, the hate aspect can make it difficult but the ability of charming type of skills allows you to effectively be of good use in your job and level up sufficiently fast.

Actually, it is possible for a damage dealer to be hybrid, to an extent

Strictly speaking, in Lineage 2, for damage dealers there are the sub-tanker, puller and damage dealer role characters. The damage dealer do not have extremely low defense. The monster\‘s strength\‘s level and players\‘ characters\‘ are a dimension in difference, however if a few attacks worth of damage is taken, they do ont promptly collapse [die].

Each class of a damage dealer
Each class is good in party-play as a damage dealer, so what play[-style] should you do? Let\‘s take a look at each one. Normally, in party-play, one\‘s abilities are raised when buffs are applied, so for damage dealers, it is normally better to appear strong than compared to soloing to hunt monsters. So one needs to learn one\‘s own attack and a monster\‘s information well and be able to play.

Continuous attack power (left) / Powerful skill (right)

First let\‘s look at the one-hit dagger classes as damage dealers. They are the treasure hunter, plain walker, and abyss walker. What is so special about the dagger classes? If you look at the dagger\‘s specialty, you can see. Its critical value is the highest and its speed is the fastest, and the probability for criticals is high. When they get buffed, their criticals are the strongest attack. If the dagger class fighters situate themselves to the monsters\‘ rear in order to maximize the critical value, and the tankers handle the hate value and control the use of strong skills, then this would make for good hunting. These classes can have a small amount of health [ CON ], and they wear light armor so their defense is very fragile. Because the "[mortal] blow" skill is not a skill that hits 100% of the time, make it a habit to position yourself to the target\‘s rear.

The classes with average attack speed and produces high damage and continuously deals damage are the Tyrant, Destroyer, and Gladiator. These class have comparatively high HP and can play the role of a sub-tanker. They also have strong one-hit skills. Naturally, if in the sub-tanker role, when a monster turns on a healer or a "nuker" [translator\‘s notes: the one-hitters] or light armor-equipped players, these sub-tankers need to use their strong one-hit skills (for gladiators it would be the double/triple sonic slash, triple slash combo) and in an instant recapture the hate [of the monster]. And it may cause crises, however taking MP\‘s pressure into account, delivering steady, constant damage is a good general plan. It is possible to maximize effects by attacking the target\‘s rear and its sides.

If party-play is fixed, a large-scale patch for archers is needed.

To say the archers are weak would be wrong. When archers are in a party, normally they can\‘t do much but play damage dealer role. However, when there are many archers in a party, the power of the archers looks better. When they concentrate their attack on a target [until it dies], their power transcends imagination. However, there is the problem of the number of arrows and also, of course, coping with a sudden large respawn of monsters.

Damage Dealer\‘s Supplementation
In Lineage 2\‘s current party system, a damage dealer\‘s addition is needed. Because there is a difference in abilities between each character. For instance, let\‘s say a continuously-hitting gladiator and an abyss walker with a strong skill are both looking to enter a party. If you are a party leader, then who would you choose? Because, as of yet, Lineage 2\‘s monsters are still weak to some extent, the strong skill-possessing abyss walker would be preferred. The reason for this is because compared to the continuous damage a gladiator can produce, the strong one-hits an abyss walker can produce are more effective. Also, dagger class fighters have skills that cause Damage Over Time ("DOT") such as "bleed" and "sting".
The strong point for archers is their long-ranged attacks, but normally in a party, it is not so. The long-ranged attack is used to safely drag a monster towards the party from a distance, but in Lineage 2, like described above, the style of hunting is not "camp and pulling". The problem is there is no notion of "pulling". [Translator\‘s notes: I am not sure why the author says this. This seems to be his personal view. The tanker does a rudimentary version of luring monsters out, just not in a way a bow user would. etc.]

For this supplementation, currently soloing my be difficult, but in party-play the monsters that are too easy need to be strengthened. In general, if the monsters are party-monsters, health and attack power must be raised. Of course, the reward [item drops] will be that much more. Until the 2nd job class change, one can solo and party-hunt equally, but after the 2nd job class change, party-play if it continues like it\‘s been patched now, they need to change party-play so it can be more enjoyable and give more of a sense of accomplishment. If they change it like that, then each class\‘s work\‘s specialty would be even more effective. In conclusion, the problem is party-play\‘s key points need to be reinforced.
Also, another important point is the damage dealers need some type of togglable active skill to have a detaunting effect when attacking.
Detaunt Attack (tentative name) - [Translator\‘s notes: this is purely made up by the author as some skill he wants to have created] Togglable active. Consumes slightly less MP than Accuracy. Compared to a normal attack, is weaker, but when the monster receives damage, the hate value is halved.
If this type of skill was added, then the hate value can be managed even better in party-play and tight situations would not occur.
Conclusion of Damage Dealer article

It feels that currently against monsters, the dagger classes superiority has been strengthened. Other characters have their attractive qualities, too. Against a monster that is too weak, with only a few strong critical hits, the monster can be killed so the dagger classes\‘ efficiency is too high. A patch to make party-play mutually harmonious [Translator\‘s notes: basically more balanced, etc. to make party-play much better] is a pressing matter.
The next article is about how to play a "nuker"\‘s role well in a party.









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